Friday, July 13, 2007

Who is a Torontonian anyways?

I was buying a Shawarma at the JCC on Bloor and Spadina. The guy behind the counter started talking to me. He was going clubbing tonight. We talked about girls. I told him that SF was shit and how they don't have a club district and how the women are more beautiful in Toronto.

I gave him a smug grin and knowing look that said, "you know what I mean."

He didn't know what I mean.

He just came from Lebanon six months ago, he told me, and has been in St. Catherines. This is his first week here.

I didn't believe him. He had to say it twice more before I did. Whoa. He just seems so Toronto.

Then I thought about it and what makes Toronto -- Toronto -- is that most are from somewhere else.

He is Toronto, just as I am Toronto, or anyone else who declare some residency here is Toronto. Immigrants, refugees, East Coasters running away, high blood from Rosedale, Jane and Finch.

It's just the Toronto state of mind.

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