Friday, February 11, 2005

Arthur Miller died today.

It seems to be really important, though I don't know why.

It is just one little death amongst so many deaths in the sea of the world.

Y'know, it's funny, I've never had the feeling that he was ever alive in the first place.
I always assumed that he was dead in my lifetime. Like so many greats of the world, he and I can never share anything. He could not be my contemporary.

I guess, though, that while he and I shared period of time living, his greatness will always render him peerless. And as such, his life and his death is greater than all of us, a blaze of white fire in the heavens. Miller is now immortal and therefore, eternal, trancending all times.

It is a boon for all of us to play some small role in history as witnesses to his earthly passing.

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