Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ana, Mia, and Ednos

It's late at night and I am on youtube looking at skinny girls in bras and panties set to the tunes of emo/electronica.
Yeah... well, it's not porn. I am watching thinspirations.

A few days ago, I was surfing wikipedia and someone used the word "pro-Ana." Who is Ana? Some new celeb I never heard of? Why are so many 15 years-old girls swearing allegiance to her?

I found out via this wikipedia entry that "pro-ana" are people who view anorexia as a lifestyle choice and not a disease. I was curious.

I looked at a few online diaries like this one:
When I was shopping the other day, I went into a shop and tried on a skirt.
It was the smallest size available, and it was too big!
I felt so fabulous.
I mean, it dropped down from my waist, and when I tried to wear it on my hips, it was too long.
Even the shop clerk complimented me on my thin figure.
I hope this keeps me motivated, but I'm a bit sad that I can't exercise for another few days.
- from Perfect Elegance

I also looked at a philosophical discussion on the topic here. Mostly it revolves around conceptions of perfection, sacrifice, and self-control.

The tips section are also interesting. They seem to be a mish-mash mixture of encouragement, nonsense, and harm-reduction.

I found gems like:
Clench your butt all the time. Guys like a nice ass and you burn calories too.

On the other hand, the website encourages Anas to be thin but not dead. There are encouragements to ensure the right nutrional intake.

I finally saw some thinspirations. Videos made by pro-ana's to encourage each other not to eat.
Thinspo real girl BEST ever!!!
Perfection Comes in Size 0 :: Nicole Richie Thinspo ::

I don't know. I think these girls are kind of mean to make fun of fat people.
I personally don't find the women in the thinspirations attractive.
But other people may have a different opinion from me.
I'd admit this: pro-ana's have good taste in music at least. I was rocking out to some of the songs in the videos.

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