Monday, February 01, 2010

Reading -- Philip K. Dick: A 'plastic' paradox -

During the 1960s, he began to garner acclaim in the genre, winning a Hugo Award for his 1962 alternate history novel "The Man in the High Castle," which imagines a world in which the Axis powers won the World War II. Still, the mainstream had no idea of who he was. "I used to look at his apartment," recalls his daughter Isa, now 42, "see all the books he had there, and wonder if every copy of his books was right there in his apartment. 'Is he really a real author?'

Man, this is so trippy. I was reading his short stories last night because I was having nightmares about ... you'know, I don't remember.

His stories were kind of freaky. Kafka-esque stuff that my worse nightmares couldn't produce. Went back to sleep like a baby. Better than warm milk.

Posted via web from Sammy's posterous

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