Saturday, July 31, 2010

Great quote by @NatashaFatah in @Torontoist about "the best city in the country, maybe the best city in the world."

but let's face it—it's Toronto, it's the best city in the country, maybe the best city in the world. It's a very open society here in Toronto, you can be who you are, it's very accepting; you have huge networks of communities already built in here. And it's the economic hub of the country, too. If you're coming here with very little money in your pocket and you need to catch a break, you're going to come to a big city like Toronto. And it's just easier. People do feel isolated. As much as you're grateful for being here, no one speaks your language, no one looks like you, no one talks like you out in, like, rural Saskatchewan or in Nova Scotia. But if you come here you'll find your community and you'll build more communities by becoming a Canadian.

Pretty much capture my thoughts about Toronto exactly.

Posted via email from Sammy's posterous

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