Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paul Graham's Stuff

Paul Graham's Stuff - http://www.paulgraham.com/stuff.html

I remember living in Kingston for two months where my entire existence involved gettring rid of stuff. I had to sell or give or throw out everything because I was going to move back to Toronto and they won't fit into the truck. And I had nothing to do and no money. Selliing stuff was the way for me to subsist.

I walked into my empty appt everyday and just drank in the difference a month makes. Whereas before, it was littered with furniture and trinkets and DVD's and clothes and shoes ... now it was bare. I slept in a sleeping bag in the corner of the living room. By then, I no longer used the bedroom. The only thing left where my used to be was a charger for my phone.

I was free as an untethered soul. Which was scary. Nothing was solid and every is on its way to being reduced to gone. It was like I was escaping the physical world. It was like death. It was actually pretty good.

I get what Paul Graham is saying. I don't know if it is for everyone though.

Update: I found a really cool blog that is also in the spirite of this. http://positivesharing.com/2006/08/low-rent-living/

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