Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pretty monumental day for me

Pretty monumental day for me. I finished the few notebooks I have been using for the past year.

In one, I found journal entries from 2 years ago. There is even stuff (undated) I am pretty sure I wrote in 2004.

They have gone with me to NYC twice. SF. And Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal countless times.

Time to say goodbye. Time to say hello to the new guys.

From Oct 31, 2005
I saw Julie today. Finally. It's strange. I've been looking for her for years. And I found her. And I had to go.

I also remember that when we first met, it was she who looked for me. I wanted to leave and she chasing.

Well, today. I managed to give her my number. She said she didn't recognize me. She didn't remember going to L'Am.

Well, what can I say? I barely recognized her. A few wrinkles already around the corners. I still remember her obsessive application of moisturizer and wrinkle cream. We were 16 and she was already getting ready for 40. My first real friend in Toronto. Not yet even 10 yrs and she wants nothing to do with me.

She told me she was going to school. I said nothing of significance, but noticed that she was still stylish in a white peat coat.

Fuck. She didn't remember me. I told her my name and she acted suprised. One thing has not changed: she still has the same facial expression when she is lying.

I guess it is one of those things. I hope she calls, but I doubt she would. Too bad. I really, really want to know how she is doing.

From Nov 5, 2005
I saw "the kid" yesterday. It's the kid!! Man, how many ex-AFC has been taugh this story and how many women have heard it? How many bars and how many bookstores? How much business did Trojan make because of "the kid."

Little punk in rip jeans, leather jacket, and black bandanna. For so long now, we thought you were the figment of some proto-PUA's imagination. Now I see you. Should I push you off your skateboard? How else will you give me the finger?

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