Sunday, March 30, 2008


I need to stop taking people at face-value.

I was thinking today. And I realized that all the times I found that people to be not who they claim to be and that's okay. None of us are really who we want to be. When we make claims about ourselves, when we say, "I am this-and-this," what we are actually saying is "I want to be this-and-this," "I am in the self-actualized project towards becoming this-and-this."

In the company of others, when we talk about ourselves, we are actually committing an act of self-reinforcement towards that being we wish to be. I think everybody does that. I know I do. The important thing is that we have the belief that we are already the being that we are not yet but soon will be.

Then, our thought process forces us to take actions we would not normally take and over time this become encrusted into habits. And all the things we claim to be, the things we wished we were, are now things that we are. We will conduct ourselves with neither intention nor thought to do them because we have habituated ourselves to do so.

The important thing for me to remember is not to feel disappoint in the failings of others; it is more important to realize that these are the steps people take to go there.

I'll try to remember this. And bolster people's beliefs so that they can get to where they want to be quicker.

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