Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Queens sucks, but not too much

I went to Queens with Eddy on Tuesday because he wanted to show me Jackson Heights.

It's weird, after spending a few days in land-scarce Manhattan, to be on an aboveground-subway.

This place looks more like the crime-festere New York I had been taught in movies than either Manhattan or Brooklyn. Everybody is ethnic here, even the black people. There are no "native" American accents, Carib, Cantonses, Korean, and Spanish.

We got off at a Mexican area. People are hanging around, watching a bullfighting video at a store front.

I like this area, except for the subway overhead. It's an absolute menace. It's loud and the whole street shook as they pass by every 3-5 minutes. The street looks murky like it was underground. Only the interesting people seems to light up this place.

We walked to the Indian-Pakistani area. Eddy had a mango lassi and I took a kufi. I'm such an idioit: I ate part of the popsical stick. We talked a lot. Serious talk. About life. Growing up. Being a man.

Eddy has gotten really geezer-ish. Manhattan has made him old. Other people told me that it happens. New York is a steely place.

I think the mango lassi cheered him up a bit. For dinner, we went to a secret place; it a restaurant you can only go in, if you know about it.

There are no signs and it's 2nd floor, above a hair salon. The only
people who knows about it are Filipinos. You pretty much have to know
somebody, who know somebody. I never had Filipino, strangely familiar,
but isn't, like meeting for the first time, you girlfriend's identical

We went back afterwards and play a lot of video games.

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